Votefinder: Player: CCKeane
(jump to SA profile)Aliases:
- CCKeane
- Dhaes
- CC
- bigfatspacko_um
- cck
- CCMean
- Somebuddy
- CCBleane
- cc bean
- keane
- cc ken
- no plorp
- gwyn
- CCScum
- cckiean
- Charles Chester Keane
- keane a bad man
- whoever the hell Lampsacus meant by "spiney"
- CC Keane
- cckleane
- cckeane, but with a slightly grumpier face
- keanu reaves
- commander keane
Currently Active Games:
- Dead in Fete
Old Games:
- Played in Fall 1152 - Mouse Guard Mafia
- Played in Back to the Beginning: A Game Of Mafia
- Played in Megaten Mafia
- Spectator in Good news, everyone! Futurama: Revenge of the Robot Mafia
- Played in Experiment C9-X: A Game Of Mafia
- Played in Beyond Good and Evil
- Spectator in King's Honor, Friend! World of Warcraft: Alliance Thread
- Spectator in Lok'tar Ogar! World of Warcraft: Horde Thread
- Played in Megaton Mafia
- Played in France 1958: La Vie en Rose
- Played in Oatmeal Mafia: Where did these singing rasins come from?
- Played in Haunted Boat CYOR
- Played in Automatic Mafia
- Played in Mafia: Mystery Setup
- Played in Animal Shelter Mini Mafia
- Played in Sowing Wild Oatmeal
- Played in Settlers of Yucatan - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Mafia: Big Bob's Robot Revenge
- Spectator in Mafia: C9 for New Players
- Played in Panic and Pandemonium in Palenque - A Game of Mafia
- Played in The Lost Otakus - Trouble in Anime Paradise (F11 Game)
- Played in The Battle of Bonampak - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Mafia Mafia
- Played in PLEASE, STOP, NO! Mr Mouth Eat Egg
- Played in League of Legends - The Noxian Battle Assembly
- Played in The Town of Flat Hill
- Spectator in The Mafia Revolution
- Played in The Mafia Discussion Thread.
- Played in Able Archer
- Spectator in League of Legends - The Demacian War Camp
- Played in Operation: Mafia Blood Purge 2000
- Played in Alpha Centauri - Arrival of the Unity
- Spectator in Community Mafia: Introduction to Groupthink
- Moderator in Queen vs. AIDS mafia: A game for 25
- Played in In Medio Mari Et Viam
- Played in Jack Chick Mafia
- Played in Diablo 3 Mafia!!
- Played in Two Lives
- Played in Dota 2: The Deadliest Game
- Played in Dungeons of Dredmor
- Played in The Hunger Games - With Spectator Participation!
- Played in Avatarology
- Played in Don't push the button
- Played in Christmas Vacation
- Played in Super Fun Cop Time
- Played in Engineers versus Marketing
- Played in John Malkovich Mafia
- Played in Legends of the Hidden Temple Mafia IV: The Return of Olmec
- Played in Pointless Complicated RPG
- Played in You Make The Rules
- Played in Omnis Divisa: France 42 BC
- Played in butt
- Played in This Mafia Game Ends With You!
- Played in Mafia Discussion Thread
- Played in Mod Meta Mafia
- Played in The League
- Played in Mean Girls
- Played in X-Men: The Strangest Super-Heroes Of All!
- Played in Ghost Trick
- Played in Aladdin Mini-Mafia
- Played in An Adventure in Arrentia - A Game of Mafia
- Played in WIZARDS in SPACE - A Game of Super Fast Mafia
- Played in CYOR: Saturday Morning Cartoon the revenge
- Played in Soldiers of Dune - House Harkonnen
- Spectator in Soldiers of Dune - House Atreides
- Spectator in 1 New Message Mafia
- Played in How the Scum S4ole Christmas
- Played in The Bandits of Bishadh - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Mafia Game
- Played in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mafia
- Played in Fast Food Mascot Mafia
- Played in SA Mafia - Check the OP, Thread is up!
- Played in The Field
- Played in The Misery of Madriu - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Two Axis Mafia
- Played in WhackyMafia
- Played in LessWhackyMafia (Now with fewer d1 victories)
- Played in Two Axis Mafia V2
- Played in Three Axis Mafia
- Played in A Pummeling in Pimonia - A Game of Mafia
- Spectator in Big Game Queue
- Played in Four Axis Mafia
- Played in Cookfia 2
- Played in Wild and Crazy Kids
- Played in The League II
- Played in Mutiny at Sea
- Played in Earthbound-fia: After the Credits
- Played in Lady Clarent's Calamity - A Game of Mafia
- Played in The Tournament of Heroes
- Played in The Pearl of Port Lourde - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Left 4 Dead Mafia
- Played in Wild West Mafia
- Spectator in Mad Max: Fury Road
- Played in Planescape Mafia
- Played in The Vengeful Achaen Thread - Trojan War
- Spectator in The Steadfast Trojan Thread - Trojan War
- Played in Welcome to the Darkest Dungeon
- Played in College: Only 85 More Years Until My Loans Are Paid Off!
- Played in Sedatefia the Mafia care home, where shit posters go to die
- Played in The Conquest of Qal - The Free Horde of Qal
- Spectator in The Conquest of Qal - The Praetorienne Guard
- Played in Splatoonfia
- Played in CYOS: Revenge of the Synth (The 80s)
- Played in The Ravenwood Murders - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Cool Hangout Mafia 2.0
- Played in El Dorado 3 - Destruction in the Wastes
- Spectator in Get a New Avatar Mafia 2
- Played in Overwatch-fia: The official Mafia game of the Blizzard Overwatch game.
- Played in Musical Mini Mafia
- Played in Choose Your Own Musical Mafia
- Played in Goon Fights Rebirth - Canuckle Sandwiches all around.
- Played in Bad, Weird, and Funny Local Florida Commercials
- Played in Stargate SG1: The Return of Ra
- Played in Hamilton Mafia - Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?
- Played in Ramen
- Played in Molyneuxland - a journey
- Played in A Disney wedding, mafia styles.
- Played in Joe Mafia
- Played in No Holds Barred (No Standard Rules Mafia)
- Played in The League III
- Played in the crowd sourced mafia game
- Played in In re Lacenda - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Hunters
- Played in Final Fantasy 1 Role Madness
- Played in Super Smash Soldiers SIGNUP!
- Played in Parks and Rek'd
- Played in Super Smash Soldiers: BLUE THREAD
- Played in An Insulting Inquiry - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Build-a-Pizza mafia
- Played in Diplomacy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the S Order
- Played in Vigilante 8
- Played in Pretty Little Liars Mafia
- Played in Assault on Chapo Trap House
- Played in The Harvest Festival of Hnetva - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Final Fantasy 2 Mafia Role Madness!
- Played in Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition: The Horrors of Mount Death Frost
- Played in Bloodbath Mafia
- Played in High School Mafia -=Role Madness=-
- Played in A Very Mafia Christmas
- Played in Dead Celebrities 2016
- Played in Pandora Event
- Played in The Swan Song of Dr. Selene Pereau - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Katamari Mafia
- Played in Final Fantasy 3
- Played in The Paupers of Podlima - A Game of Mafia
- Played in The Last Bastion
- Played in Final Fantasy 4 Mafia
- Played in A Gateway to Greed - A Game of Mafia
- Spectator in Bright Lights, Stage Fights, and a Dazzling Chorus - CYOMUSICAL
- Played in The Illustrated Police News
- Played in A Bad Case of Baroquen Heart - A Game of Mafia
- Played in The Last Journey of the Mary Celeste
- Played in The Aquiline Conspiracy - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Super Choose Your Own Cartridge Mafia
- Played in Final Fantasy Five Mafia: Fiesta Edition.
- Played in The Outfit: a Game of Mafia
- Played in Final Fantasy 4: The Mafia Years
- Spectator in Carbonated Beverages Mafia
- Played in The Something Awful Forums > Discussion > Games > The Game Room
- Played in Final Fantasy 6 mafia
- Played in Post Restriction Mafia
- Played in Mafia Gear Solid
- Played in How the Scum S7ole Xmas
- Played in Shine V: How The Southwest Was Won
- Played in Shine V: The Division del Norte
- Played in Pretty, pretty, pretty good Mafia
- Played in The World Ends With !
- Played in Wandering Samurai
- Played in A Council of Wizards
- Played in Terror Aboard the USRSS Pequod
- Played in Opus Falconis - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Frontier Gossip - A Game of Mafia
- Played in The Murder of St. Leroux - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Heat
- Played in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - Thrills, Spills, Kills
- Played in Yu-Gi-Oh Mafia
- Played in Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia - Another stupid Cpig game.
- Spectator in The Theater
- Played in The Thing
- Played in Inuyasha Mafia: Battle for Olympus
- Played in All Cops Are Bad
- Played in Suffusion
- Played in El Dorado 4 - The Ancient Secret
- Played in Convalescence
- Spectator in West Hutchinson #2 - Prosecution in Plains City - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Bus Derby Mafia
- Played in Avengers: We're In The LYLO Now
- Played in Old Video Games Mafia CYOR
- Played in When the Seagulls Cry Mafia: Chapter 1
- Played in Fate Mafia 2: Soldiers
- Played in Fate Mafia 2: Soldiers - Clan Yggdmillenia - The Black Faction
- Played in Monster Hunter Mafia
- Played in Dragon Quest Builders Mafia - A soldiers-like for 21 people
- Played in Myth Mafia
- Played in The Good Place Mafia
- Played in A Very Covid Voodoofly
- Played in The Magic Schoolbus Rides Again
- Played in It's Cuomo Time
- Spectator in Disco Elysiumafia
- Played in Final Fantasy 9
- Played in How The Scum Stole Xmas X
- Played in Weekend at Bernie's Mafia
- Played in Wine in Front of All: Eternal Twilight
- Played in Interdimensional Ultimate Deathmatch CYOF Mafia
- Played in Mafia in Margaritaville
- Played in Wine in Front of All: Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun!
- Played in The Soap Strike - A Game of Mafia
- Played in Final Fantasy X/X-2 Mafia
- Played in Project B-157DQ (Humanoid Robots)
- Played in Some Strange Characters in: Multiverse of Mafness (CYOR)
- Played in Murder in the Magician's Manor
- Played in The Linnaeus Incident
- Spectator in Murder at Outpost 4-27a
- Played in Mistborn: Chaos in Luthadel
- Played in The Passage
- Played in The Blind Assassin, a very simple game
- Played in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue
- Played in 99% Historically Accurate Mafia
- Played in Galaxy Frontier 1999: A Space Opera CYOR
- Played in City on Fire
- Played in How the Scum Stole X13mas
- Played in Fake Claim Mafia
- Played in In Medias Res or: Everybody Hates D1 - A CubicalSucrose Concoction
- Played in A very normal game of
- Played in Periodic Table Mafia
- Played in Chicago, the musical, the mafia game
- Played in Three Kingdoms Mafia - He hath more wit than to post here
- Played in Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt: a Kurt Vonnegut Mafia
- Played in Hey, aren't you...? Mafia