Votefinder: Player: Zoya

(jump to SA profile)


  1. zoya2024

Currently Active Games:

  1. Dead in Emperor of the Forest
  2. Alive in Three Kingdoms Mafia - He hath more wit than to post here
  3. Alive in Star Fox 64 Mafia

Old Games:

  1. Played in Inception
  2. Spectator in Day Action Mafia
  3. Spectator in Inception - A Dream
  4. Spectator in Holy Roman Empire/30 Years' War
  5. Spectator in Inception - A Deeper Dream
  6. Played in Inception - An Even Deeper Dream
  7. Played in It Sleeps Beneath The Hills
  8. Played in Don't Fear The Reaper - CyberMafia 2077
  9. Played in Warehouse 13 - A game of endless blunder.
  10. Spectator in : Protect The President
  11. Played in Oops somebody has a machine gun CYOR