Votefinder: Player: potatosalad (pronouns: he/him)


  1. Taters
  2. popoto
  3. PSal
  4. brotato
  5. potate
  6. Potaat

Currently Active Games:

  1. Moderator in Therapy Mafia

Old Games:

  1. Played in The Egyptian Job
  2. Spectator in Galaxy-Sane Mafia: A CubicalSucrose Concoction
  3. Played in Telephone Mafia
  4. Played in Fake Claim Mafia
  5. Spectator in Cookfia 9 - Spicy NonAchos
  6. Spectator in PIGEONS! It's Hatoful Boyfriend Mafia!
  7. Played in Day Action Mafia
  8. Played in The Second Great Sommelier Meeting: CYOWIFOA
  9. Played in Three Kingdoms Mafia - He hath more wit than to post here
  10. Played in Complete and Utter Anarchy - CYOY
  11. Played in Hey, aren't you...? Mafia