Votefinder: The Curse of Brazil (Mafia)

Moderator: fool of sound
Thread ID: 4051939
Game Day: Day 3 began 11 months, 4 weeks ago on Feb. 2, 2024, 7:31 p.m.
Deadline: in 0 minutes, on Feb. 4, 2024, 8 p.m. EST
Read pages: 36 / 36
Last updated: 3 hours, 53 minutes ago

Votecount for Day 3

🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 CapitalistPig (5): Somberbrero , Ignatius M. Meen , CapitalistPig , Voodoofly , Your Personal Muse
⚪⚪⚪⚪🟢 Your Personal Muse (1): Ignatius M. Meen , Ignatius M. Meen , Johnny Keats , CapitalistPig , CapitalistPig

Not voting: Toalpaz, yuming

With 8 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is February 04th, 2024 at 8 p.m. EST - that's in about 0 minutes.

fool of sound
on Feb. 3, 2024, 8:51 p.m.

Johnny Keats posted:

And the covetous miller should be weak to the scum Robbin' Hood, who can kill them without appearing.

Oh this is a good idea. Might do this instead.

fool of sound
on Feb. 3, 2024, 10:21 p.m.

Draft rework. Probably won't try to run it for a few months, and may still make other changes.

--- THE SETUP ---
This game starts on Day 0, which lasts 24 hours instead of the standard 48. Alignments, but not roles, are assigned prior to Day 0.

Alignments :


--- Town [x13]: You win when all threats to Town are eliminated.

--- Scum [x4]: You may communicate with other members of the Scum team at any time via a private channel.
On Night 0, each Scum player may ##Select [Godfather/Ninja/Janitor/RobbinÂ’ Hood/Janitor] , becoming that Role for the remainder of the game. Each of these options may only be selected once. Scum players who become Masonic Blind Tinkers may not Select another role. Scum players who Select a role may still receive a Gift.
Each night, from Night 1 onward, one member of the Scum team may ##kill [player] .
You win when the Scum team seizes control of the vote.

There is no execution on Day 0, instead players will vote for three of their number to take on the Masonic Blind Tinker roles. The top three candidates each become a Masonic Blind Tinker. In case of a tie for third, the role will be distributed randomly between the tied players but the result of that random assignment will be posted in the thread.

Town or Scum Roles :


--- Masonic Blind Tinker [x3]: You may communicate with the other Masonic Blind Tinkers at any time via a private channel.
On Night 0, in this channel, each Tinker must ##Gift [player] [player] . Any given player may only be selected once. You may not select yourself or the other Masonic Blind Tinkers. The six selected players receive one of the following roles at random at the start of Day 1: Cop, Doctor, Screamer, Tracker, Roleblocker, or Giftscanner. Each role will only be assigned once.
If this role is held by a Scum player, they may privately ##Select Gift [player] [role] for one of the players they gifted. The player is guaranteed to receive the gift chosen.

--- Thief [x4]: During any night that you do not possess a Gift role, you may ##Steal [player] . If the target possesses a Gift role, they lose it and you gain it. You may only successfully use this power once per game. If you later lose your stolen Gift role, you may not Steal again. A player may be be both a Masonic Blind Tinker and Thief.

Additionally, at the start of Day 1, a Town player who is not a Masonic Blind Tinker nor selected for a Gift becomes a Hunted Graverobbing Miller. Finally, four players selected from a pool of the Masonic Blind Tinkers and remaining Vanilla Town players become Thieves.

Scum-only Roles :


--- Godfather : You appear as Town when Investigated. Additionally, as a bonus Night Action, you may ##mimic [gift role/none] . Until you use this bonus action again, you will appear to have the selected Gift Role or lack thereof when Scanned.

--- Ninja : You may append ##stealth[action] to any Night Actions you have available. If you do so, you appear as having visited nobody when Tracked, and the Screamer will not detect or announce your visits should you target them.

--- RobbinÂ’ Hood : During any night that you do not possess a Gift Role, you may ##Steal [player] . If the target possesses a Gift Role, they lose it and you gain it. Alternatively, if you possess a Gift Role, you may ##Give [player] that role You lose it, and they gain it anonymously. Giving a Gift Role fails if the target already has a Gift Role or is a Masonic Blind Tinker. If you perform a faction kill against a Gift holder while you do not have a Gift, you may additionally Steal that gift.
As an alternative Night Action you may ##hunt [player] . If the target is the Hunted Graverobbing Miller, you perform a kill on them that cannot be detected, prevented, or redirected by any means. This kill does not count against the faction kill for the night.

--- Janitor : As a Night Action, you may ##clean [player] . If that player is eliminated during the same night or afterwards, their flip will be posted privately to the scum channel, and their in-thread flip will be replaced with “This flip has been cleaned by the Janitor”.

*note that it is possible for one or more of these roles to not exist if Scum players become Masonic Blind Tinkers

Town-only Roles :


--- Hunted Graverobbing Miller : You appear as Scum when Investigated. When any player with a Gift Role dies, you gain that Role. Uniquely, you may possess more than one Role, and any attempts to Steal Roles from you fail. Regardless of how many Roles you accumulate, you may only take one Night Action. You are being hunted by RobbinÂ’ Hood, see that role entry.

--- Vanilla [x0-6]: You have no role, powers, or actions. The number of Vanilla players in the game varies depending on how other roles are distributed.

Gift Roles :


--- Cop : Each night, you may ##Investigate [player] , learning their alignment.

--- Jailer : Each night, you may ##Jail [player] , causing any Night Action they attempt or are targeted by that night to fail. You may not target yourself.

--- Screamer : At the start of Day 2 onward, a list of all players who visited you during the prior night will be posted in the thread. Your identity is not revealed, nor are the purposes of the visits. This power functions even if you are killed that night, but not if this Gift is stolen.

--- Tracker : Each night, you may ##Track [player] , learning which player they visited if any, but not the purpose of the visit.

--- Swapper : Each night, you may ##Swap [player] [player] , causing any Night Actions targeting either play to target the other instead. If either target is Jailed, this action fails. You may not target yourself.

--- Giftscanner : Each night, you may ##Scan [player] , learning which Gift Role, if any, they possess.

Night Action Resolution Order : Jailer->Swapper->Robbin' Hood->Thieves->Janitor->Scum Kill->Cop/Giftscanner->Tracker->Screamer

fool of sound fucked around with this message at 00:07 on Feb 4, 2024

Your Personal Muse
on Feb. 4, 2024, 3:12 a.m.

HereÂ’s an idea

Ignatius M. Meen
on Feb. 4, 2024, 10:45 a.m.

My one input is that, while it does not have to be a large penalty, if there is zero penalty for using the hunt action frivolously, there is no incentive not to push that button every night just to check for the miller. That could mean even a well-hidden miller gets got in spite of how they played, which doesn't feel ideal.

e: Comedy suggestion inspired by the above: Anyone who isn't the miller and gets hunted anyway ends up winning a dayvig in the struggle with the hood. Note - if this is taken seriously, the bonus action should be deactivated once the miller is dead.

Ignatius M. Meen fucked around with this message at 10:51 on Feb 4, 2024

on Feb. 4, 2024, 10:14 p.m.

Gg guys, probably good I died so early as IÂ’ve only just managed to catch up, thanks for running fos!

Johnny Keats
on Feb. 4, 2024, 10:25 p.m.

Proposal for overhaul of the scum Robbin Hood role: it entirely functions as a counter for the assigned town roles and information gathering for scum who may not have full role information even if they are a Tinker in the revised setup.

> At the start of day 1 learns how many vanilla town there are and if gifted a role, may immediately transfer that role to another player of their choice. May steal a role once per game like a town thief, and may choose to have that action resolve before, at the same time, or after town thieves. You also learn whether your target is the covetous miller and may choose to replace the nightkill target with them.

Johnny Keats
on Feb. 4, 2024, 10:30 p.m.

I agree with Iggy's take on rewarding good gameplay by the town miller but it also shouldn't completely be able to shut down scum just because one town player plays well, and also giving scum a compelling reason to want the Robbin Hood role is essential I think

Ignatius M. Meen
on Feb. 4, 2024, 11:43 p.m.

Johnny Keats posted:

I agree with Iggy's take on rewarding good gameplay by the town miller but it also shouldn't completely be able to shut down scum just because one town player plays well, and also giving scum a compelling reason to want the Robbin Hood role is essential I think

Right, but it should still IMO be an at least somewhat calculated decision, not "press button enough, receive 1 free kill". A free dayvig to the mishunted player wasn't meant to be a super serious idea, it was just a funny option that presented itself with YPM's post.

Balancing it to be less tough if it's a major turn-off might be "the first player you attempt to hunt who is not the miller will receive a free dayvig". Then scum have the option to either attempt to fake clear themselves first, just risk it from the start, or not risk it at all and wait for a miller claim.

Ignatius M. Meen fucked around with this message at 23:51 on Feb 4, 2024

Johnny Keats
on Feb. 4, 2024, 11:51 p.m.

I agree but also in my version they wouldn't be able to steal (aka check for miller) again after stealing. And if they start being gifted a role by a town Tinker, they'd risk outing themselves/their team by giving it away, or suffer being unable to steal (or fakeclaim thief)

Johnny Keats
on Feb. 4, 2024, 11:53 p.m.

Then again people can't have 2 roles and thiefs would have already been assigned, so something would need to be done about resolution order of night 0 or something if implemented but it's just ideas

Ignatius M. Meen
on Feb. 5, 2024, 1:15 a.m.

This admittedly didn't occur to me until just now but in addition to what I stand by in thread, that you could use the Hood to remove two roles from town per night so long as there wasn't a miller, you could also have them steal from the night kill every night and have them fake being a possible miller. You can only frustrate the action economy with a ninja; the Hood removes it until they're gone.

e: and of course, scum can attempt to put their thumb on the scales so that town is biased towards killing players without gifts during the day which will end up resulting in the miller never getting powered up outside one of the thieves going and stealing a gift for themselves before they get voted out.

Ignatius M. Meen fucked around with this message at 02:57 on Feb 5, 2024

11 months, 3 weeks ago The game is over.
11 months, 4 weeks ago shwinnebego died.
11 months, 4 weeks ago shwinnebego was executed on day 3!
11 months, 4 weeks ago A deadline has been set for Sunday, February 04 at 08:00 PM EST.
11 months, 4 weeks ago gay for gacha died.
11 months, 4 weeks ago Tired Moritz died.
11 months, 4 weeks ago Day 3 has begun!
1 year ago A deadline has been set for Friday, February 02 at 08:00 PM EST.
1 year ago Day 2 has begun!
1 year ago ObamaAkbar. died.
1 year ago CubicalSucrose died.
1 year ago A deadline has been set for Tuesday, January 30 at 08:00 PM EST.
1 year ago Day 1 has begun!
1 year ago A deadline has been set for Saturday, January 27 at 09:00 PM EST.
1 year ago The game has started!
1 year ago A new game was created by fool of sound!

Create Player List

Below is a list of all living players with links to their post histories that can be put into an OP: